5.12.2019 Press release
In the run-up to Christmas, Paulig will start selling its delicious Santa Claus Finland-licensed Christmas coffee and the popular Santa Maria Christmas spices, which will add the finishing touches to your Christmas dishes. Spices can also be used to decorate Christmas presents.

Paulig will spread Christmas cheer to coffee lovers with its popular Christmas Coffee. This year, Paulig’s delicious Christmas coffee will also be available in the Baltic states and Russia.

This medium roast (3) coffee is seasoned with real cinnamon and cardamom and has a rich and nuanced flavour. It pairs very well with gingerbread. Paulig Christmas Coffee is a Santa Claus Finland-licensed product, and it can be brewed using the filter method or a French press.

Festive Santa Maria recipes will inspire you to create all kinds of tasty dishes for your Christmas dinner. The Recipe Bank contains recipes for tasty starters, main courses and desserts, which will be enough to feed a large group of people.

In addition to being used for recipes, our Christmas spices can also be used to decorate Christmas presents. Cinnamon sticks, star anises or cloves paired with a silk ribbon are a great way to decorate your Christmas presents and give them a wonderfully festive scent.

You can also take a look at Paulig’s Christmas card, which has more mouth-watering recipes for Christmas.

We wish you a Merry and Delicious Christmas!



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